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Sales Prospecting Perspectives, April 5th - 9th


Busy week this week - how about you?  The AG bowling league wrapped up this week.  Congrats to Matt Fitts and Ed O'Neil, who bested the top ranked team of Mark Czarnowski and Steve Giordano!  It was a close match, with both teams having the same score by the end of the first string, but Harley Davidson and the Marlboro Man (as they were aptly called) won the next two strings.  You can check out pics of the bowling league on our Facebook page, here.  While you're there, become a fan!

We had three great blog entries this week, and here are the links and recaps:

Tuesday April 6th

Is a Top-Down Approach Necessary? - Director of Client Operations, Craig Ferrara, shared his thoughts about teleprospecting calls starting at the executive suite.  Craig wrote, "From my experience a majority your introductory sales calls are with managers and directors anyway, so why not focus your effort into calling them as well?

Wednesday April 7th

Cold Calling 101: The Monthly Campaign - Pete Gracey, AG's President, wrote about tactics for monthly cold calling campaigns.  Pete shared, "While qualifying inbound activity is also essential to hitting your goals, it is the cold calling activity that maintains the deep qualifying skills and habits of highly effective reps.  For this reason, you should be running unique monthly cold calling campaigns with your reps."

Thursday April 8th

List Building:  A Pillar of Effective Teleprospecting - Implementation Manager, Ilona Jazdowska, shared her thoughts on building lists for your teleprospecting efforts, and why good ones are so important.  Ilona wrote, "Even though list building can be time consuming, it is very important to provide your teleprospecting team with the foundation /contacts that they need to do well at their job. You want to avoid your team from spending too much navigating throughout an organization and to focus their time and efforts having quality conversations."

Well there you have it, our weekly recap!  Which blog post resonated with you this week?  Which one didn't?


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