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Sales Prospecting Perspectives

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Sales Prospecting Perspectives, March 15th - 19th


Well, as I write this, this sun is out shining and most of us here are starting to get Spring fever!  A very busy week was had here at AG, and one of the highlights was a great learning session with the folks from the online contact information experts, NetProspex.  Do you know these guys?  They're the ultimate business to business directory.  They're fantastic folks and having a chance to learn about who they are, and why they do what they do (along with how), was very beneficial.    In case you missed it, they just put out a press release on Tuesday about their database surpassing the 10 million verified business contact mark.

We had four blog articles this week, with a guest entry from one of our teleprospectors on Thursday.  Here's the recap on all four:

Monday March 15th

Making Sure Your Clients Stick Around - Director of Client Operations, Matt Fitts, shared his thoughts on client retention, and what to do about it.  Matt wrote, "One of the most long-term, productive and mutually beneficial client engagements I have had, is one where both the client and I sat down and not only outlined how success would be measured, but also how we like to communicate and the types of things that are important to communicate about."

Tuesday March 16th

Tactics for Effective Emailing- Craig Ferrara, another one of our DCO's, wrote about ways to use strategically for teleprospecting purposes.  Craig shared that, "[his] point is, since most of us utilize email as a primary part of the prospecting process we need to be more strategic with it's use. Now I'm not saying every prospect should expect a personalized email that took you 20 minutes to write...but there are techniques you can use for it to at least appear as if it is addressing them directly."

Wednesday March 17th

Why You SHOULDN'T Outsource Your Lead Gen to Us- AG's President, Pete Gracey, shared his take on why potential prospects may not be ready to partner with AG for their qualified sales opportunity generation efforts.  Pete warned, "If you know you'd sleep better at night with your whole team right there in your facility, then outsourcing, even to a company as transparent as AG, isn't the best move."

Thursday March 18th

Do Outlook Meeting Requests Really Work for Teleprospecting? - One of our top producers, Dan Marx, tackled a question that was raised during one of his call shadowing sessions with his client.  Does the answer get better than this?  "When I set out to write this entry, I looked at all of the leads I passed last month and found that eight of my twenty leads (40%) were a direct result of the invites I had sent to prospects."

Well, there you go!  Which article resonated with you this week?  Which one didn't?



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