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Sales Prospecting Perspectives

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Sales Prospecting Perspectives, January 18th - 22nd


It's been a great week here at AG Salesworks!  Last night a group of us went to a networking event for the Boston chapter of the American Association of Inside Sales Professionals.  It was a great event hosted by Trish Bertuzzi, Chief Strategist and President of inside sales consulting firm The Bridge Group, and sponsored by the appointment setting firm Green Leads.  Mike Damphousse, CEO/CMO of Green Leads, and Steve Harper, CEO of sales enablement tools provider Plan2Win Software were there speaking on outbound calling best practices and inside sales training and coaching best practices respectively.

We had three great articles posted this week to our blog, Sales Prospecting Perspectives, and here are some highlights:

Monday January 18th

Managing the Process of Opportunity Generation - A post by Director of Client Operations Matt Fitts.  Matt wrote about how, "an organization must not only have a process for creating opportunities in place that creates a framework for success but they must manage that process."

Tuesday January 19th

Information Extraction via Teleprospecting - Director of Client Operations Craig Ferrara points out that, while sitting in on calls with the most successful BDR's, "the thing that stands out to me most is that they task themselves with extracting as much information as they can with each person they contact, from Administrative Assistants on up to the decision makers."

Wednesday January 20th

Getting Prospects to Talk About Themselves- AG's President, Pete Gracey, says that, "if you want to have a great teleprospecting call and gather more information about a prospect, you had better think long and hard about how to get them talking about themselves before you make that first call."

That's the weekly recap!  Which post resonated most with you this week?


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