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#ProspectingChat: Sales Training with Josiane Feigon!


Today, we will be hosting this month's #ProspectingChat on AG Saleswork's Twitter account. We will welcome best-selling author Josiane Feigon as a special guest to discuss sales training tips. Here are some details about today's Twitter Chat:

Date: Thursday, September 4, 2023
Time: 1:30 PM EST / 10:30 PM PST
Hashtag: #ProspectingChat
Topic: Sales Training
Special Guest: Josiane Feigon 

Today we’ll focus on sales training tactics that will strengthen your inside sales team. We'll also focus on the difference between training, managing, and coaching, with advice for how to become a great sales leader. With a new generation of millennial sales reps entering the workforce, it's important to stay up to date on sales training techniques and metrics. 

Here are today’s questions. We encourage you to prepare your answers beforehand. If you can't attend the Twitter chat, but would still like to add to the conversation, feel free to tweet at#ProspectingChat any time or comment here. You may find that the Inside Sales Manager's Guide to Sales Team Training will help you with some of these questions. 

Q1: What are some creative ways sales managers can generate interest in a training event? 

Q2: What competencies do you measure your insidesales reps against? When do you make those clear, if at all? 

Q3: What are some good ideas to make sales training FUN, especially for millennials? 

Q4: How can a sales manager participate during training? 

Q5: What’s the difference between sales training and sales coaching? How would you recommend balancing both? 

Q6: How can you organize training around different learning styles? 

Q7: What are some best practices in post-training reinforcement?

Q8: What metrics are most important to measure after sales training to ensure sales reps internalized what they learned?

Q9: What trends should sales organizations look for in sales training moving forward?

Q10: Are there any sales training topics or advice that we haven’t touched on yet?

A quick overview: #ProspectingChat focuses on issues that sales, marketing, IT and tech leaders want to discuss. Each chat lasts 1 hour long. For those of you who are new to Twitter Chats, you must have a Twitter account to participate. You can join our Tweet Chat room, which allows for automatic feed updates and hashtag inclusion. Other tools to monitor the discussion are: HootSuite, Twub, TweetDeck and of course, Twitter itself. #ProspectingChat will be held every other Thursday at the same time, and the transcript will be available on Storify shortly after.

We hope you can join us today at 1:30 PM EST / 10:30 AM PST for #ProspectingChat!

Allison TetreaultAllison Tetreault is the Marketing Content Coordinator at AG Salesworks. She writes, designs and promotes new marketing content every month, monitors and produces updates for social media networks, gathers important data from marketing and sales efforts, and maximizes the potential of content marketing efforts. Read her articles here.

More Sales Training Blog Posts:

The Inside Sales Manager's Guide to Sales Team Training

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