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[Infographic] The Outsourced Inside Sales Teleprospecting Process


Imagine you’re the CEO of a B2B high tech company. Your company has survived the most difficult start-up stages, and you’re ready to start successfully selling your product or service. At times, your solution is difficult to explain, but your engineers know its features like the back of their hand. You decide to insource your inside sales team.

You hire new inside sales reps, many just out of college. Your marketing team works on qualifying leads, but your sales team leaves many unqualified leads untouched. According to Marketo, 80% of leads generated by marketing are ignored by sales.

Eventually, your inside sales team gets frustrated. Your engineers don’t appreciate talking on the phone all day instead of working to enhance the product they labored over in the first place. Your inside sales managers aren’t seeing as much progress as they would like because of a 6+ month ramp-up time to full sales productivity (Sales Readiness Group). After a few months, it’s apparent that many of your new sales reps aren’t cut out for the job, and turnover rates jump up. Everyone is feeling overwhelmed, including your buyers, who complain that the sales process is too tech-heavy with early demo offers that turn them away from the product.

You know what you need to do. In order to restore balance to your organization, you decide to research outsourcing some of your inside sales functions. But where do you start? How do you know you’re looking in the right places? Are you asking the right questions during the discovery call? Are you prepared for the transition and implementation phases of the outsourcing process?

Many business leaders are swamped with many sales and marketing tasks every day. The time to research - and begin to implement - the steps to outsourcing inside sales functions just isn’t there.

AG Salesworks knows your struggle. We’ve heard it from our clients. We just wrote an eBook with advice for balancing the pros and cons of outsourcing inside sales functions for your company, Your Lead Generation Home from Home: How Outsourcing and Teleprospecting Functions Can Augment Your Tech Company’s Revenue. To make outsourcing easier, we’ve created an accompanying infographic to aid you in your outsourcing research: The Outsourcing Process.

The Outsourcing Process Infographic includes:
  • 4 easy, actionable steps to outsourcing inside sales functions

  • Sample questions to help you determine your level of need for outsourcing

  • Statistics comparing generalist and specialist inside sales partners

  • Expectations and differentiators for a successful teleprospecting partner

View the infographic here. It’s best read alongside the Outsourcing Guide to Inside Sales Teleprospecting. Feel free to share this infographic with others who may need guidance through the outsourcing process.

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