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Obscurity: The Biggest Challenge in Sales


ObscuritySales Prospecting Perspectives is pleased to bring you a guest post from Amar Sheth, Principal at Sales for Life.

Obscurity is your biggest problem. It's not your sales pitch, your product or your service.

Ideas are Powerful

Everything begins with an idea.  The human mind is the biggest source of inspiration in our world.  All products and services today began with someone coming up with an idea.  However, the idea can only take you so far.  Without proper backing and selling ability, they will wither and die.

Grant Cardone talks about this topic frequently.  The ideas you have are powerful.  They can bring immense value to your buyers.  But, how can your prospects find out about your idea if you’re not constantly out there hustling to create awareness?

Companies are Built to Propagate Ideas

In the quest to evangelize ideas, companies are born.  They exist to sell a product/service that can add more time in someone’s day, save money or make money for others.  No matter what you sell, these are the general goals of any corporate organization.  Do you agree?

Your company is also doing a lot of work in getting the word out there.  From marketing campaigns to advertising, the goal has always been to generate enough awareness so that a sale can be made.  Without revenue, even the greatest ideas will succumb to obscurity.

The Sales World

In the world of sales, ask yourself if you’ve got enough awareness.  Do you have enough mindshare to meet or beat quota?  The single biggest complaint and challenge we’ve heard from sales professionals today is pipeline growth.  Without obscurity in your way, you’d be crushing your goals each and every month and quarter.

So what can you do to get out of obscurity?  Watch the video to find out.

The Bottom Line

Get yourself squarely aligned with where your buyers are these days:  online.  They’re using a myriad of social networking tools like LinkedIn, Twitter, Google + and so on, to do a significant amount of research.  This doesn’t mean that you don’t have to pick up the phone to prospect, it just means that social is going to be another tool you’ll need in your sales tool belt.

Amar Sheth is a consummate business development, sales and marketing leader with a passion for social media technologies. With over a decade of experience, he has been providing technology and digital marketing solutions to some of the largest organizations in North America. Through a series of progressively senior roles throughout his career, he has been responsible for introducing and implementing marketing and sales strategies for new products and services. Follow him on Twitter


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