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Sales Prospecting Perspectives Weekly Recap - Week of March 7, 2024


weekly recapHappy Friday, Sales Prospecting Perspectives readers! It's the first week of March, which means readers are anxiously awaiting spring weather. The past few days have been bright, so they may start getting warmer soon! This week was a good one for those in the office, as a few inside sales reps passed leads that translated into large transactions. To get your sales team prospecting effectively and your marketing team supporting sales effectively, here are some of our favorite sales and marketing articles from this week: 

  • With our new Social Selling eBook published, we've been listening for advice other people are giving for social media and sales. Inc. Magazine caught our attention; they gave great tips for using social media to boost sales.
  • In an ideal sales world, every qualified lead would also turn into an eager, interested prospect who moves quickly through the sales process. However, it's not always that easy. Salesforce gives advice for turning "qualified" leads into qualified prospects as you go
  • Sales and marketing alignment is key to a successful company. HubSpot created a Slideshare that contains best practices for enterprise sales and marketing alignment
  • With repetitive sales conversations, sometimes it's hard for inside sales reps to remember that buyers are people, too. AdAge's advice is to focus on prospects' feelings about their business, as emotions still count in B2B marketing and sales. 
  • As a Girl Scout myself, I was very excited to read this article about what salespeople can learn from cookie sales at Seth Godin's blog. The simple question "What's your favorite Girl Scout cookie?" is a perfect tactic for Girl Scouts, as it avoids "yes/no" answers and focuses on emotion rather than pragmaticism. Inside sales reps can learn from these sellers!
  • Finally, start planning your sales week today with Anthony Iannarino's advice.   

And here are our blog posts from this week:

Monday: On Monday, Sam Goldman wrote Being a Millennial in Inside Sales. She wrote about how being a part of a generation of flash mobs, viral cat videos, FaceTime and nonstop technology groth is both exhausting and rewarding, and described how being a millennial affects her work. As millennials are always told they are "special," that translates into a determination and drive to be the best. As the next generation of leaders, according to Sam, millennials will keep the world turning. Everyone's perspectives in a company are different, and new ideas from different generations can improve a company's culture and strategy. 

Tuesday: Mike Ricciardelli wrote 6 Reasons Inside Sales Reps Should Start Exercising Before Work. In inside sales, exercise before the beginning of the work day can motivate you to put your best foot forward. Some of Mike's reasons were: You'll gain an incredible amount of energy that will push you to do your best at work, you'll have clarity, a positive mood, and lower stress, and you'll create a strong, long-lasting work ethic. Add a workout to your morning routine, and you may start to see it affecting your attitude towards prospecting, ultimately making your days more successful.

 On Wednesday, guest blogger Janelle Johnson from Act-On Software wrote Sales & Marketing Alignment: 3 Ways to Close the Gap. Sales and marketing alignment is completely possible, although it does take a little shift in perspective. Both departments should find common ground -- such as the fact that they both care about the success of their company, customers, and revenue. They must understand that numbers matter, collaboration is not evil, and to be flexible. Overall, this blog post offered many bullet points of specific advice for sales and marketing professionals who want to work harder at aligning their efforts. Read it today! 

Shortly we will be slightly modifying our blog schedule but will continue to deliver you quality sales and marketing content, we promise!

What was your favorite article this week? 

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