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Sales Prospecting Perspectives Weekly Recap - Week of December 27, 2023


AG Snowman

Happy holidays, Sales Prospecting Perspectives readers. It's back to work at AG, as inside sales reps and managers plan for Quarter 1. Sales and marketing professionals should start off the New Year on a high note. Our advice? In these last few days, inside sales reps should continue to call, but should also review the year's progress. How much have you changed as a sales professional? What about your messaging is different now, and why? Inside sales managers, have you come up with ideas to motivate your team this past year, and what are the results? Does gamification influence your leadership style? It's important to reflect on 2013 before we move in to 2014, and then adapt our sales strategies accordingly. Below, Sam gives some good advice for how to end the year strong as well. 

Even though it's a short work week that doesn't mean we'd skimp on all content. Check out these posts you might have missed from this week: 

Monday: On Monday, Sam Goldman wrote 4 Tips for Inside Sales Reps to End Q4 Strong. Most of you will be back to work next week tryig to pass qualified leads before Q4 ends. In this blog, Sam offers tips for inside sales reps to close the year strong, and prepare for a successful Q1.  At this point in time, her advice is to target more senior level employees, circle back to your list of nurtured accounts, and think ahead, as well as other tips. It takes planning and organization to uncover qualified opportunities at this time in the year, so read Sam's blog post and ramp up your efforts in these last few days!

Tuesday and Wednesday were Christmas Eve and Christmas, and our sales reps and bloggers went home to their families. Readers, we hope you enjoyed your holidays and are looking forward to the New Year.

Thursday: On Thursday, Megan Toohey wrote Beat the Brain Fog and Think Outside of the Sales and Marketing Box. Everyone, especially marketers, needs inspiration to think differently, setting themselves apart from competitors by delivering messages with personalities and unique perspectives. However, sometimes the groggy redundancy of your daily job might wear you down. Megan has coined the term "brain fog" and offers tips for beating it, such as "take a break and read" and "play to your strengths." Create a mentality that will allow you to produce your best work by thinking outside of the box, and following these tips in Megan's blog to think differently from the pact. With the flux of content about to be published in the New Year, it's important to set your company apart from the rest. 

Have a happy New Year everyone!

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