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How Your Inside Sales Team Can Make the Most of Lists


mainlist resized 600One of the first things we train new hires on is how to navigate a list in Salesforce. The reasoning behind doing this in the beginning of training is because Salesforce is something inside sales reps use every day. Knowing how to work a list will help you pass qualified leads easier than calling straight down a list of hundreds of names.

There are many types of lists we use at AG Salesworks. Three main ones are categorized as New, Reconnecting, and Warm Follow Up.

New List: A new list is made up of completely new names. None of the names have been contacted, and you might have to run down the list to verify contacts and get referrals. This type of list is simple to go through and should not take a lot of research, as you can speak with the contacts and/or administrators to confirm the titles and contact information for the correct people. You will be able to get through a lot of your contacts in a short amount of time.

Reconnecting List: With a Reconnecting List, there are lead statuses of all kinds and notes from previous conversations that you need to read before placing a call. Since there is a lot of research required with this type of list, you will not be able to go through the names quickly. You will also be spending some time building the list by adding in new contacts.

Warm List: Finally, the Warm List is provided by the client from shows, webinars, website visits, etc. Names on this list all have different lead statues and as a result you need to pay attention to both the lead status and the notes. It should be noted if another sales representative has attempted to contact the prospect to ensure a smooth prospecting process. There is also a lot of research involved and you'll want to be prepared before each call by reviewing the notes from prior conversations, from the event they attended, or the whitepaper they were sent. With this type of list, it is best to try to get the prospect live rather than leaving voicemail messages and sending emails. You should combine your efforts and leave a voicemail and send an email to the prospect once in awhile, but getting them live is preferred.

However, there are some instances where you need to spend time on LinkedIn before making dials and connecting. Any time I cannot reach someone I usually throw their name into LinkedIn to make sure they still work at the organization and have the same title. It is a good habit to get into considering your time and their time is valuable. You don't want to be prospecting someone if they're not even the correct person you need to speaking with in the first place. LinkedIn is a great tool for you to use when sorting through a list.

Organizing your list according to title, company, and created date are three of the most useful ways of tackling any list. If a prospect has a good title that you have had luck with, why not start prospecting those contacts first? Organizing your list by company will allow you to pick the best two or three prospects within that specific company so you're not having to dial into every single contact listed. If it is a time-sensitive list with whitepaper downloads or site visits, starting with the most recent date will allow you to speak with the prospects who will have your client fresh in their minds.

How does your inside sales team tackle different lists?


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