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3 Ways to Improve Your Prospecting Call Plan


Call PlanNo matter what time of year it is, it’s important to stick to your company’s call plan. Of course, variation is fine depending on projects and clients, but it is best to try and keep the call plan on track. At AG, we have found that our call plan works for most projects and receives many responses from prospects at all levels and in many different departments.

Of course, there are certain times of year when it is more difficult to get in touch with prospects and uncover business needs: year end, holidays, quarter end, etc. All of these times can be frustrating when companies have tighter budgets, are re-signing contracts, or are in time crunches for more pressing matters. Regardless of these potential road blocks, I think it is important to stick to the call plan laid out by your organization in order to maximize the amount of discussions you can have.

  1. Pair voicemails and emails together. I believe that one of the most important parts of our plan is pairing a voicemail and email together and referencing them in each message. Within every voicemail I leave, I make sure to mention the fact that I will be following up with an email. The same goes for the emails I send: I reference that I recently left a voice message. This ensures that in the case that a prospect misses one message, they will almost always see the other. I have found that when people are on vacation or out of the office, they will respond to my email and let me know when they will be back or tell me to contact person XYZ when I tell them I have left them a message as well.

  2. Try projects every few days. In this day and age, people use their mobile phones for email more than actual conversation, so sending an email will more likely get a response than a voicemail. It’s important to toe the line between spamming an inbox and showing persistence, however, so make your genuineness clear in messages. Prospects want to know that you’re trying to reach them for a conversation, not a sale. While emails may be easier for people to shoot a quick response back, they do not always guarantee a response, so try again a few days later, without seeming too pushy.

  3. Send a calendar request. Another important part of our call plan that is highly discussed in our office is sending calendar requests. I am a believer in these as part of our company call plan. These requests usually get a response from prospects, and whether it is positive or negative, it shows that they exist and are acknowledging your persistence. Also, from a time-of-year perspective, these are great ways to try and get some time with prospects so they can organize their busy schedule if there is an interest to discuss your software or service. Some people appreciate the persistence, and even if they don’t, they will at least recognize that you are trying to reach them. Getting 5 minutes with a prospect is the first step to passing a qualified lead, and it is a key point in our call plan.

What is the most important part of your call plan?


Sales Prospecting Perspectives


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