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First Impressions


In college, I took a series of leadership classes.  The focus of the series was about how to be a leader, how to manage yourself, and the people around you.  I remember how much the professors stressed that how you can not take back a first impression.  Of course, this was my last semester, so the professors were preparing their students to spread our wings and enter the real world's trials and tribulations -the interview process.

Benefits of Having Concise Transition Questions


In recent blogs, you have probably noticed people writing about the art of how we peak prospects interests.  I think it's pretty clear how important the first couple of seconds of the conversation are.  Knowing how to sit back and drive it home through your teleprospecting efforts is a different story.
For example: In Craig's recent blog, he talks about when you get someone live and 30 seconds into their lengthy elevator pitch your opportunity is dead because you have wasted their time by talking too much.  Blah! blah! blah!
So... how the heck do we keep this conversation alive if we only have a couple of seconds to speak (and we can't stand in front of them and make them listen to what you have to say!)?

My colleague, Nicole and I have been debating about what makes a great teleprospector and one of the attributes we came to agree upon is how they handle their conversation. In previous blogs we have stressed the importance of a clear purpose of your call; more importantly, how this needs to be followed by a compelling transition question

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