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Inside Sales Manager's: You Can't Always Be Right!

Conflict Resolution, Sales Management, 1 9 Craig
Now that the holidays and New Year are behind us, I have to imagine most of us have begun focusing on making good with our New Year's resolutions. One of my close friends mentioned his focus this year was going to be around better ways of resolving conflict in his life. This probably had to do with the fact that he spent a week home with his family trying to get along with everyone. Inevitably he found that within a few days he was back in the same old groove; arguing with his parents and siblings over the same things they always seemed to disagree on.

The ABC's Of Managing An Inside Sales Team

Teleprospecting ABC's, Inside Sales, 12 11 Craig

My digital marketing manager mentioned that he came across a great blog from Kara Trivunovic, Vice President of Marketing Services for StrongMail. Her topic focused on the ABC's of email marketing and we thought it would be interesting to come up with an A-Z run down on teleprospecting from a manager's perspective.

Here we go:

The Straight Dope On List Vendors

List Vendors, Data Quality, 11 27 Craig

A few weeks ago I went through the painstaking process of trying to find a decent list of IT contacts in the public sector.  Of course I've been down this road a million times and typically I'll go the standard route and attempt to work through the traditional list vendors out there, but I only ended up netting about 500 total names. Then I went to a company that specialized in public service, but they could only provide nothing more than the chief of police and main number to call and no email. Plus they could only provide me the data on cd-rom, yikes! Then I became desperate and posted the question up on an inside sales forum on Linkedin. Bad move. As you can expect I got bombarded with people reaching out to me from all around the world and I came up with next to nothing.

Marketing Campaign Success Starts and Ends With Quality Data

Data Quality, List Vendors, Marketing Campaigns, 11 15 Craig

Over the years I've worked on a wide range of marketing campaigns for our clients and without fail each and every campaign represents a new and unique challenge to the team. We love it! One thing I've found is that rarely, if ever, can we apply the same template to each project and expect any kind of consistency across the board.

How Does Your Organization Follow Up On Marketing Qualified Leads?

Lead Qualification, Marketing LeadsI had the chance to attend the Inbound Marketing Summit in Boston last week and was able to enjoy many quality sessions. The event gave me a nice chance to understand what marketing minds are doing locally to leverage digital, mobile and social media marketing to drive a higher volume of inbound marketing qualified leads.

How Accountable Are You To Your Company's Success?

Accountability, Inside Sales, 10 16 Craig

Last week I had the chance to attend an Oz Principal leadership workshop with my fellow managers. There were a variety of topics covered, and fellow Director Matt Fitts wrote on one of the topics covered

I wanted to take the opportunity to discuss one of the other main principles of the workshop, accountability. One of the biggest things that stuck with me during this workshop was the mindset that individuals share as it relates to accountability within their organization. Either you're "Above The Line" or you're "Below The Line" when it comes to situations you encounter during the work day. 

Cold Call Like You Don't Have Anything To Lose


For many of us there is nothing more stressful than cold calling. If you really break it down, no one likes being rejected. Everyone we call should love hearing from us, right? 

No matter how you slice it, having been at this for as long as I have, there is never an easy day of cold calling. Most of us know that a typical day of dialing means a lot more NO's than YES's. On average we see about 5% conversion rate across every project we dial on. So out of every 100 conversations, we have only five people end up giving us the answer we're looking for.  Some days it can feel like an "up at a dawn, pride-swallowing siege" as Jerry Maguire puts it. That's simply how it is in the cold calling game. 

"Salesy" Email Subject Lines Will Get You Free Admission To Your Prospects Spam Filter

A few years ago I was tapped to assist with the blogging effort at our organization and I feel I embraced the challenge with open arms. I soon found it to be a great way to collect my thoughts and share my opinion on the hot topics facing me and my team. It was important for me to feel that the content I was sharing was compelling enough for the folks subscribed to the blogosphere. 

We soon began to pay close attention to viewership through our trusted partner HubSpot. They were able to provide us insight into my blog (and many others) that seemed to receive more views and comments than the others that we had been posting. What we soon came to realize was that the name of the title of the blog topic played a huge factor. The content could have been just as compelling as any other topic, but the better the title of the post the better the viewership.

7 Habits Of Highly Ineffective Teleprospectors

Bad Sales Habits, Inside Sales, 8 30 Craig

Over the years I've seen many talented teleprospectors struggle consistently to hit their goals. They could posses all the core skills necessary to be a top performer but the bad habits they develop can dictate the "ebb and flow" of their performance. 

There's a lengthy list I've encountered being in the trenches as long as I have, most of which you've likely seen me yammer on about in a blog here or there, but I figured it would make sense to narrow it down to the ones I see most often.   

Here are 7 of the most common habits that can have a negative impact on a teleprospectors performance:

There's No One Road Map For Inside Sales Success


Part of my daily duties as Director of Client Operations involves coaching my team on their outbound activities. As much as they enjoy the experience (wink-wink) I find it gives me the ability to learn a few things as well as teach and train my reps.

During a call training session a few weeks ago it occurred to me that, while I want to believe there is a perfect road map to follow while navigating organizations, we rarely end up following the same exact path in getting there. Every call generally tends to be a unique experience. As a result, I have always been a big proponent of allowing our BDRs to put their own unique spin that is more conducive with their style... as long as they produce of course. Since every experience is different with each dial, we need to encourage our reps to adapt an approach that works best for them.

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