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5 Things I've Learned from Successful Inside Sales Managers

Inside Sales Managers

Over the years I’ve seen some common themes from my most successful mentors. Every day, they realized they had to check their ego at the door. We’re in this together and getting things done is NOT a one-man job. It’s a collective effort each and every day.

What Reporting Metrics Do You Use to Measure Your Inside Sales Team?

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Editor's Note: The following is an excerpt of a chapter from our recently published eBook, The Ultimate Inside Sales Prospecting and Management Success eBook. If you're interested in reading the 35-page handbook, click the link above.  

There are 5 important categories to measure from a reporting standpoint to ensure top performance from your inside sales team. The goal is to push your reps to excel in all 5 categories to guarantee their optimal success. The most important categories to pay close attention to are:

Sales Prospecting Perspectives Weekly Recap - Week of January 24, 2024

Weekly Recap

Good morning, Sales Prospecting Perspectives readers! This week was an eventful one for us here in Norwood, Mass. On Monday, we celebrated Martin Luther King, Jr. Day and took a day off to remember his contributions to peace in this world. On Wednesday, there was a snowstorm, and we got hit with about 7 inches of snow! Needless to say, many did not make the trek to the office that day; instead, we stayed safe at home and did our prospecting from there. Who hasn't heard of telecommuting for a teleprospecting job? We hope readers in the New England area stayed safe when the snowstorm rode through their area. And readers in the West? We're just jealous. 

To start off our weekly recap, here are our favorite marketing and sales articles from this week. 

Sales Prospecting Perspectives Weekly Recap - Week of January 3, 2024

Weekly Recap

Happy New Year, Sales Prospecting Perspectives readers! We hope you celebrated the start of 2014 - and the start of sales quarter one - on Wednesday just like we did at AG Salesworks. While we're recovering from snowstorm Hercules in the Northeast, we're wishing you all a happy 2014 and sharing some articles we loved that helped ring in the New Year. 

How to Coach Inside Sales Reps to Develop Their Own Methodologies

Inside Sales Coaching

A couple of weeks ago, I wrote advice for newly promoted inside sales managers in my post, New Sales Managers, Don’t Miss Out on This Advice. I focused on three areas of guidance:

New Sales Managers, Don’t Miss Out On This Advice

Sales Manager

I am going through the most exciting time in my life and I couldn’t be happier. Not only am I expecting a baby boy in one month, but I just became an aunt for the first time. Meeting my nephew Luke the day he was born was amazing and I know the same will be true when our little one arrives soon.

Inside Sales Tips: Archiving Valuable Data from Teleprospecting Conversations


Most if not all inside sales reps have a CRM that they work within, but not many sales executives create and/or enforce any sort of process for how their reps should be operating and logging information within that CRM.

By Failing to Prepare, You Are Preparing to Fail

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You've read the quotes: 

“A goal without a plan is just a wish.”

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

“If you don't know where you are going,

you'll end up someplace else.”

Yogi Berra  

“Someone's sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago.”

Warren Buffett

Yet so few of us plan adequately.  And of those of us that do, many don’t execute effectively.  Over the years, I have witnessed the power of a well-executed plan many times.  Unfortunately, I have also seen the results of either a poorly executed plan or no plan at all.  Not pretty.  There is always a detailed explanation as to what went wrong.  The marketplace, competition, not enough marketing support.  The list goes on and on.  

Sales Prospecting Perspectives Weekly Recap - Week of October 25, 2023

Weekly Recap

Good morning, Sales Prospecting Perspectives Readers. Aren’t you glad it’s Friday? Before you celebrate the weekend by gearing up for the World Series, check out some of our favorite articles around the web this week!

Hey New Sales Managers: Don’t Forget Where You Came From!

Sales Managers

One of the things I enjoy most about working for AG Salesworks is that we're a people-first company. I know it sounds hokey, but it's true. If we didn't take care of the things that make us go, then we would have folded up shop long ago.  

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