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5 Suggestions to Keep In Mind When Training a Teleprospecting Team

Teleprospecting Training

Last week, I had the chance to help train a fresh new crop of recruits for a long-time client of ours. After 12 years of trying to figure this teleprospecting thing out, I'd say we're completely sold on how we do things internally around here. The interesting part for me is to see how others not immersed in the AG Salesworks culture react to our process and mindset. Fortunately, most of the post-training feedback was in line with what we wanted to hear. The long and the short of it was that we helped to provide a framework on how to best attack all warm and cold opportunities. Sometimes, all inside sales need is a place to start. 

Each group we train has different characteristics from the last. What I can say, through general observation over 3 days of training, is that there are always a few consistencies every salesperson we're teaching seems to relate to. 

5 Benefits Every B2B Data Provider Should Have

5 Benefits Every B2B Data Provider Should Have

If it weren’t for our partnerships with B2B data providers, I would be lost. They make my days easier in so many ways. Whether a rep needs a fresh new list to help them meet quota or a client needs a list with five pieces of criteria that are nearly impossible to find, our data providers get it done.

Like anything you outsource in business, you want to give up the details to the experts so they can find and create the quality you’re looking for. After working with many providers over the years, I have come up with a list of things to look for when evaluating data providers. Here is what I find to be most crucial:

5 Ways to Boost Inside Sales Training Reinforcement

The Inside Sales Managers Guide to Sales Team Training

With the release of AG Salesworks’ new guide The Inside Sales Manager’s Guide to Sales Team Training featuring Josiane Feigon of TeleSmart, AG has learned that training is not just about the event. It’s a process that has to be perfected during, before, and after that event. The following is a redactment from our new guide. For more advice, please download The Inside Sales Manager’s Guide to Sales Team Training.

Sales training never ends: the initial training week is just the beginning. The most effective B2B sales firms are 22% more likely (more than one in five) than all other sales firms to reinforce training at least once each quarter, according to Aberdeen Group. Companies that carry out post-training reinforcement see 20% more salespeople achieve sales quotas.

B2B Sales Prospecting: Remember to Finish Listening!

Sales Prospecting Finish Listening

AG Salesworks is pleased to bring you a guest post from Jeff Shore, an in-demand sales expert, author, speaker and executive coach. 

“Most people do no listen with the intent to understand, they listen with the intent to reply.”

~Stephen R. Covey

Perhaps when you were a child, someone in your life tried to emphasize the importance of listening by reminding you that we each have two ears and one mouth. According to the well-known saying, we have two ears and one mouth in order that we might listen twice as much as we speak. There’s a lot of truth to that idea, and never more so than when a buyer raises objections during the sales process.

6 Email Prospecting Tools Every Inside Sales Rep Should Be Using

Streak CRM Email Prospecting

As an inside sales rep, your call plans most likely include effective email prospecting strategies. You’re giving out your email to everyone you talk to in case they want to contact you later. You’re sending reports to your superiors and asking for advice from your managers, all within your inbox. You’re inundated daily by messages from clients, prospects, marketing, and more. It’s no surprise that email takes up 28% of the average workers’ time, according to McKinsey & Company. To put things into perspective, that’s one-fourth of your day spent in your inbox.

4 Communication Tips for Ramping Up a New Inside Sales Client

4 Communication Tips for Ramping Up On a New Inside Sales Client

Ramping up on a new project can be stressful for business development and inside sales reps. There are many different marketing materials they need to read, and processes they need to understand, before they’re able to start prospecting. Training is rigorous and ongoing. Each project and each client is different, so the necessary ramp-up materials always change. One thing never changes though: in order for a successful ramp up, sales reps need to have a good relationship management strategy. In layman's terms, they need to be able to communicate and collaborate with closing reps effectively.

#ProspectingChat: Sales Enablement Goals and Best Practices

prospectingchat salesenablement

Today, we will be hosting our third #ProspectingChat on AG Saleswork's Twitter account. Time has flown by, and we are excited to continue offering insights and learning from other #ProspectingChat participants. Here are some details about today's Twitter Chat:

How Marketing Can Collaborate with Sales to Create Engaging Content

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Sales Prospecting Perspectives is pleased to bring you a guest blog from Sharmin Kent, Marketing Content Specialist at TinderBox

Now that the average B2B buyer is more than halfway through her purchase decision before engaging with a sales rep, it's critical that the content propelling a prospect through the pipeline is informative and relevant. An organization's marketing team is usually responsible for creating sales content, and communication and collaboration between the two departments can be rare.

10 Inside Sales Lessons Learned Over 10 Years at AG Salesworks

Craig Ferrara 3

Last week was my 10-year anniversary at AG. At times, 10 years seems like eons ago, but honestly most of the time it truly feels as if time has flown by. During this period, I bought a condo, got married, had a child (who is now 7), sold a condo, and bought a house... all while watching AG grow from an 8-person shop to the 60 folks we are today. 

3 Traits to Inspect in a New Hire Interview for Inside Sales Success

Inside Sales Hire

As the end of summer draws near, hiring season looms upon us inside sales professionals. Many recent graduates will be looking for their first job after a relaxing summer, and many seasoned sales reps will be taking stock of their current positions. At AG Salesworks, we’ve seen many potential inside sales reps walk through our door for interviews in the past few weeks. However, our hiring process isn’t for everyone. After all, new sales hires frequently fail, so we want to make sure that we’re hiring the best talent to benefit our clients and our prospects. During the initial interview, we have a keen eye for personality traits that will help the candidate thrive in an inside sales environment. Here are 3 traits we look for in an inside sales interview and 3 questions to ask when assessing if a candidate’s personality is a good fit for your company.

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