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10 Aligned Lead Nurturing Statistics for B2B Sales and Marketing


Aligned Lead NurturingMany companies aren’t utilizing the full potential of their lead nurturing campaigns.

They’re passing all lead nurturing responsibilities to marketing.

They’re separating the lead nurturing cycle from the sales funnel.

And they’re not aligning their departments for better conversions.

According to a study by CSO Insights, underwritten by Velocify, 42.3% of companies nurture leads by handing them off to marketing, who then engages and remains active with them through lead nurturing campaigns until they’re ready to buy.

However, when both sales and marketing share responsibility for lead nurturing, companies experienced a significant increase in conversion rates. (Tweet this). In this study, 89.1% of companies that aligned sales and marketing lead generation efforts reported measurable increases in the number of leads that turned to opportunities as a result of continuous nurturing.

AG Salesworks’ new guide, Aligned Lead Nurturing for B2B Sales and Marketing, is designed to supplement your company’s aligned lead nurturing efforts. It offers new perspectives on aligned lead nurturing and includes specific steps for measurable and effective lead nurturing campaigns that involve both marketing and sales. With a list of key metrics to follow for lead nurturing campaign effectiveness, an explanation of sales' role in the lead nurturing process as well as important tips for converting leads down the funnel, and an analysis of the future of lead nurturing, it provides value for professionals first applying lead nurturing processes, management interested in finding out more about aligning their departments, and sales and marketers looking to refine lead nurturing processes already in place.

To understand the state of lead nurturing today and better examine how aligned lead nurturing can impact your company, check out these important lead nurturing statistics:

  1. 79% of marketing leads never convert into sales. Lack of lead nurturing is the most common cause of this poor performance. (Source: MarketingSherpa) Tweet This Stat

  2. 50% of leads are qualified but not ready to buy. (Source: Gleanster Research) Tweet This Stat

  3. 65% of B2B marketers have not established lead nurturing. (Source: MarketingSherpa) Tweet This Stat

  4. 46% of marketers with mature lead management processes have sales teams that follow up on more than 75% of marketing-generated leads. (Source: Forrester Research) Tweet This Stat

  5. Nurtured leads produce, on average, a 20% increase in sales opportunities versus non-nurtured leads. (Source: DemandGen Report) Tweet This Stat

  6. Companies that excel in aligned lead nurturing reduce the percent of marketing-generated leads ignored by sales (from as high as 80% to as low as 25%) (Source: Marketo) Tweet This Stat

  7. Relevant emails drive 18 times more revenue than broadcast emails. (Source: Juniper Research) Tweet This Stat

  8. 34% of B2B organizations touch leads with lead nurturing on a monthly basis. (Source: MarketingSherpa) Tweet This Stat

  9. 82% of prospects say lead nurturing content targeted to their specific industry is more valuable (Source: MarketingSherpa) Tweet This Stat

  10. Nurtured leads make 47% larger purchases than non-nurtured leads. (Source: The Annuitas Group) Tweet This Stat

To maximize your lead nurturing efforts, follow the techniques outlined in Aligned Lead Nurturing for B2B Sales and Marketing. This guide is more than just your standard how-to. Learn to apply these statistics to your company through mature and advanced lead nurturing strategies, and your will see more qualified leads, more conversions, and more revenue. Nurture across multiple channels, and link the sales funnel with the lead nurturing cycle. For more advice, and more statistics pertaining to aligned lead nurturing, download the guide here or click the CTA below.

Aligned Lead Nurturing for B2B Sales and Marketing


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