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7 Things I Want My Inside Sales Team To Know For 2014


Inside Sales Team 2014As I take stock of the great year 2013 turned out to be, my mind of course is now beginning to shift to 2014. There were many things that continuously reminded me of what it takes to be a well-rounded manager in 2013, and I hope to carry those criteria on to 2014. 

I'm not saying it's easy or even possible at all times to juggle the important characteristics of effective inside sales managers, but here's my take on what I feel is most valuable and what I plan to focus on next year. 

1) I will hold my team accountable. 

No one that I've met in my career prefers to be micro-managed. I'll remind my team that they have my complete trust to get the job done without me standing over their shoulder. What they owe me in return is to be dedicated employees who will hold themselves accountable for what they do every day. 

2) I will encourage professional and personal growth. 

I'm always going to be surrounded by people who are thirsty for knowledge and growth. Creating that kind of environment and encouraging adaptive learning will make my inside sales reps more successful. 

3) I will actively listen to my inside sales reps' concerns:

I've never been a big fan of the boss who toes the company line. If you want employees who are actively engaged, make a point to show them that you understand where they're coming from and you'll do everything within your power to address their concerns. 

4) I will educate myself on the best tools out there to make their job easier. 

Whether it's better list quality, phone systems/dailers, CRMs, reporting.... Every employee will appreciate the efforts you should be putting into services that make their lives easier. 

5) I will always try to make myself available.

Your inside sales team should know that one of your top priorities is THEM.

6) I will always have their back.

Assuming they've done everything you've asked of them, they should know that you will go to bat for them. Without question.

7) I will always try to make it fun.

I'm stuck working with these folks at least 40 hours a week. They're stuck with me too. Why should I create the kind of setting where they're miserable to walk into work every day? I certainly wouldn't want that, so making it as fun as possible is a no-brainer from my perspective. 

I hope you all have a wonderful and productive 2014! 

Have a great new year everyone!

How to Motivate Your Inside Sales Team to Succeed

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