Sales Prospecting Perspectives

Maureen Wall

Maureen Wall, a Business Development Representative for AG Salesworks, has been working here since September 2011. She helps cold calling and identifying pre-qualified opportunities. Read her articles here.
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A Story About Why Building Credibility Matters When Teleprospecting

Posted by Maureen Wall on Mon, Oct 13, 2023 @ 09:30 AM

The other day, I encountered one of the rudest and pushiest sales people I’ve ever come across. No, it wasn’t a used car salesman, and no, it wasn’t one of those ladies at the perfume counter who sprays before asking.

Surprisingly, it was someone from a very reputable technology company looking to sell us additional services.

Here’s how the conversation went:

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Tags: Inside Sales Professional, Resourcefulness, Salespeople, Teleprospecting, Sales Prospecting Strategies, Sales Relationships, B2B Teleprospecting, Teleprospecting Strategies, B2B Inside Sales, Sales Prospecting Tactics

How to Balance 3 Teleprospecting Techniques To Manage Your Lists

Posted by Maureen Wall on Mon, Sep 15, 2023 @ 09:30 AM

In the world of teleprospecting, many thought leaders are debating the efficacy of new and old techniques. With more and more sales leaders implementing new strategies, it's important for inside sales rep to keep up with the trends. However, don't feel you have to choose one technique and stick to it. Instead, learn to balance your techniques and manage your lists. Social selling is time-consuming, and it cuts out the ability to speak to prospects for a lengthy amount of time about their pains and needs, but it could lead to stronger opportunities. You may find that your team has more activity from the smile and dial method, but without some social intelligence behind these calls, those leads could be dead ends. Below are three things to consider when using commonly used prospecting techniques to find the balance that works right for you.

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Tags: Prospecting Strategies, Marketing, Quality Conversations, Teleprospecting, Cold Calling, Social Selling, Email Prospecting, Social Media, Prospecting, Teleprospecting Strategies, Research, Outbound Sales, Inbound Prospecting

Salesforce Tips for Moving Prospects Down the Pipeline Faster

Posted by Maureen Wall on Tue, Jun 17, 2023 @ 09:30 AM

Nothing can kill an inside sales opportunity quite like time. Even the most enthusiastic customers and prospects can turn away from a deal if something else catches their eye. The longer a deal sits and does not move through the pipeline, the more apt a prospect will be to lose interest. Below are a few ways to ensure that you’re not losing opportunities due to bad timing or poor follow up.

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Tags: Inside Sales, Quality Conversations, Email Prospecting, Organization, Sales Prospecting, Sales Meetings, Opportunity, Sales Opportunities, Time Management

Father's Day Prospecting Reminder: Empathize & Create Relationships

Posted by Maureen Wall on Thu, Jun 12, 2023 @ 09:30 AM

Father’s Day is coming up this Sunday, June 15th. If you haven’t already planned something for your father or bought a card yet, the stores are still open. My dad and I haven’t always seen eye to eye on everything, especially during the dreaded angst-filled teenage years. But he managed to put a roof over my head, food on the table and helped support me to get a degree.

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Tags: Prospecting Strategies, Inside Sales, Teleprospecting, Cold Calling, Decision Makers, Sales Relationships, Client Engagement, Client Relationship

4 Quick Research Tips to Build a Warmer Pipeline for Teleprospecting

Posted by Maureen Wall on Tue, May 13, 2024 @ 10:00 AM

Let’s face it: Not every cold call campaign is created equal. Data integrity and relevance vary with each purchased list, and these new lists are far from free. In a sales world that’s becoming more social, it’s more important to target and personalize your messages to prospects, setting yourself apart from the rest and refusing to provide "another sales pitch." Below are 4 ways to quickly find and engage more relevant contacts, building a warmer pipeline for prospecting. 

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Tags: Prospecting Strategies, Inside Sales, Personalized Messaging, Competition, Teleprospecting, Cold Calling, Data, List Development, LinkedIn, Call Plan, Social Selling, Decision Makers

Don’t Let Negative Past Sales Experiences Ruin New Opportunities

Posted by Maureen Wall on Thu, Mar 20, 2024 @ 10:00 AM

There’s an old adage in sales about sales encounters. It goes something like this:  

You should always go into a sales situation prepared for a no but hoping for a yes.

It’s important to remember that each new opportunity you come across will have its own unique challenges and advantages. Though it’s hard to stay optimistic when objections crop up, bringing baggage from one sales call to another will not help you close. The longer you work with a product or solution, the the more confident you feel in your abilities to sell it, and the more assumptions you may make in regards to the outcome of each business engagement.

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Tags: Prospecting Strategies, Sales Motivation, Inside Sales, Inside Sales Reps, Optimism, Cold Calling, Decision Makers, Sales Prospecting, Handling Sales Objections

Inside Sales Reps: Are You Sick? Stay Home!

Posted by Maureen Wall on Thu, Feb 20, 2024 @ 10:00 AM

It’s the middle of the shortest month of the year, and between calls I hear the familiar orchestra of different off-putting sounds from other cubes: wheezing, coughing, sniffling, sneezing, and zombie-like groans of inside sales reps plagued with cold and flu symptoms.

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Tags: Productivity, Inside Sales Reps, Calling Campaign, Inside Sales Management, Cold Calling, B2B Teleprospecting, Prospecting, Teleprospecting Strategies, Outbound

Technology's Impact on the Evolution of Sales: Featuring Matt Fitts

Posted by Maureen Wall on Thu, Dec 19, 2023 @ 10:00 AM

This blog post is part three of a series of video blogs about the impact of technology on sales. See part one here and part two here

A few weeks ago I was putting together an email campaign to send out as a follow up to my client’s sales initiative, but I was having some difficulty setting up an integration tool on my computer. However, I knew that a sales rep on my client’s team was fairly tech savvy and had done some troubleshooting before, so I reached out to him asking for help. As I sat on the web conference using a program I had downloaded for free, I wasn’t dazed in the least when my colleague took control of my screen and walked me through each step. Within 5 minutes he had shown me how to set up everything perfectly!

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Tags: Inside Sales, Communication and Collaboration, Sales, Email Prospecting, Technology, Client Engagement, Client Relationship, Sales Technology

Technology's Impact on the Evolution of Sales: Featuring Peter Gracey

Posted by Maureen Wall on Thu, Dec 12, 2023 @ 10:00 AM

This blog post is part two of a series of video blogs about the impact of technology on sales. See part one here. 

A few weeks ago I was putting together an email campaign to send out as a follow up to my client’s sales initiative, but I was having some difficulty setting up an integration tool on my computer. However, I knew that a sales rep on my client’s team was fairly tech savvy and had done some troubleshooting before, so I reached out to him asking for help. As I sat on the web conference using a program I had downloaded for free, I wasn’t dazed in the least when my colleague took control of my screen and walked me through each step. Within 5 minutes he had shown me how to set up everything perfectly!

After our conversation, I realized how much  of the technology we were using I had taken for granted. Not only was I about to greatly improve the amount of activity I could produce within a day, but I was working with a colleague who was half way across the country as if he were sitting next to me in my cube. That got me wondering: What other changes in technology have had the biggest impact on how we communicate and operate in sales? I’ve interviewed a few of our sales veterans to see what changes in sales technology they feel have made the biggest impact within the past decade.

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Tags: Inside Sales, Communication and Collaboration, Sales, Email Prospecting, Technology, Client Engagement, Client Relationship, Sales Technology

The Impact of Technology on the Evolution of Sales

Posted by Maureen Wall on Thu, Dec 5, 2023 @ 10:00 AM

A few weeks ago I was putting together an email campaign to send out as a follow up to my client’s sales initiative, but I was having some difficulty setting up an integration tool on my computer. However, I knew that a sales rep on my client’s team was fairly tech savvy and had done some troubleshooting before, so I reached out to him asking for help. As I sat on the web conference using a program I had downloaded for free, I wasn’t dazed in the least when my colleague took control of my screen and walked me through each step. Within 5 minutes he had shown me how to set up everything perfectly!

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Tags: Inside Sales, Communication and Collaboration, Sales, Email Prospecting, Technology, Client Engagement, Client Relationship, Sales Technology