Sales Prospecting Perspectives

New Outbound Prospecting Insights for Your Sales Development Team

Posted by Peter Gracey on Tue, Nov 4, 2023 @ 10:24 AM

Are you a B2B inside sales or sales development representative looking for a benchmark against which to measure your sales prospecting strategies? Are you a team lead or manager hoping to see where your team stands on the outbound sales spectrum? If so, The Outbound Index™ is a must-read for you as you prepare your B2B sales prospecting strategies for 2015.

If you're a regular reader, you know the question Matt Bertuzzi of The Bridge Group Inc. and I pose every year:

Out of 1000 accounts prospected in a given quarter, how many opportunities should enter the pipeline? 

We created the Outbound Prospecting Index in 2012 to provide salespeople and marketers with the first benchmark of outbound calling efforts for B2B technology companies. With each release, we've used transactional CRM data to come to a conclusion.

The new Outbound Index includes the first two quarters of 2014. During that time, our sales development reps prospected:

  • 35+ technologies (Note: ASPs of $75-150K)
  • 280k+ phone and email touches
  • 14k+ prospect conversations

Our 3 KPI's, Reach Rate, Pass Rate and Pipeline Rate are account-centric and explained in detail. 

Remember, The Outbound Index is a framework on which you an build your own index and improve sales prospecting. Check out the new report by clicking on the button below or clicking here. We hope you find it valuable to developing your sales prospecting tactics in 2015.  

Peter Gracey is co-founder and President of AG Salesworks. Peter is responsible for the day-to-day operations of AG Salesworks, making sure that our clients continue to receive the most optimized level of performance available. For more information on Peter Gracey, see here.

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Tags: Sales Prospecting Strategies, Sales Prospecting, Outbound Success, Outbound Sales, B2B Inside Sales, Outbound Prospecting, Outbound Index