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Blog Topics For Inside Sales Audiences Are Easier Than You Think


Every day, our marketing team posts a blog written by one of our employees. I’ll admit it, when required to blog once a week on top of other responsibilities; it can be a bit overwhelming. At first, I used to spend too much time thinking about it, and most of that time was spent just coming up with a topic. Since that time, I have come up with ways to find a topic much faster, and as a result, writing blogs hasn’t been as time consuming as it was at the beginning, and now I really enjoy it. Here are three quick ways to find a blog topic that will best appeal to an inside sales audience:Blogging for Inside Sales

  • Search your email inbox. Topics are easy to find this way because whether you are an inside sales rep or in sales management, your inbox is filled up from last week with different requests from clients and/or prospects. For instance, I just checked my inbox and I see an email from my boss asking about a client renewal that I should have had an answer on already. From here, I could potentially blog about “better ways to manage client renewals” and discuss three ways to stay more organized so you don’t miss out on potential revenue for your company.
  • Think about something in your personal life you can relate inside sales to. I am a Bruins fan so I like to connect challenges that the Bruins face to challenges that an inside sales rep might be experiencing. A friend and colleague of mine, Liz Wilson recently connected the popular hit song, Call Me Maybe to the idea of tweaking her voicemail templates in order to increase her call back rates in her blog, So Here's My Number Mrs. Prospect, Call Me Maybe? Odds are that if there is a topic of interest to you in your personal life that you can relate somehow to inside sales, others in the industry will be able to relate as well, and this is one of the goals of blogging, right?
  • Google an inside sales topic that is of interest to you, reference an existing blog/article, and write your perspective on the topic. There are a lot of sales blogs out there written by individuals just like you. What better way to blog than to find one that discusses a topic that is interesting to you as well? I typically go to Google and search on my own. For example, you could go to Google, type in a phrase like, “Blog Topic Definition of Qualified Sales Leads” and find a blog or article from there.

There are a ton of sales blogs created every day. The next time you are asked to write one, don’t feel too overwhelmed, there are plenty of topics out there, you just need to uncover one that you can speak to. To all the sales bloggers out there, what are other ways to find inside sales blog topics to write about?


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