Sales Prospecting Perspectives

Emma Snider

Emma Snider is the lead writer of the HubSpot Sales blog. Prior to joining HubSpot, she was an HR technology journalist at TechTarget.
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How to Leverage Your Twitter Profile for Social Selling

Posted by Emma Snider on Wed, Jan 28, 2024 @ 09:30 AM

AG Salesworks is pleased to bring you a guest post from Emma Snider, staff writer for the HubSpot Sales Blog

Twitter is all about clarity and brevity. Want to express a thought that’s longer than 140 characters? Tough luck. The platform forces users to trim messages down to what’s absolutely essential.

You have a bit more real estate to work with for your bio, but not much. 160 characters is all the social network affords users for their profile descriptions.

For sales development reps seeking to dive into social selling, this is both a blessing and a curse. As opposed to a LinkedIn profile, a Twitter bio offers much less real estate. So while salespeople can spend hours or days trying to craft the perfect LinkedIn page, writing a Twitter profile is not nearly as time-consuming.

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Tags: Social Selling

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