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Sales Prospecting Perspectives

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Sales Prospecting Perspective Weekly Recap - Week of January 14, 2024


We've got a lot to recap for you this week, so I won't keep you long. First, though, my weekly blog pick to share with you comes from Lori Richardson at Score More Sales. Her post on Wednesday, 3 Ways Sales Reps Grow Their Visibility, discusses how sales reps are reluctant to take the initiative and procure their own tools that could lead to their success. Lori recommends upgrading your Linkedin account, even if it means paying out of pocket. For those reps who find there is not enough hours in the day, Lori recommends services like Sales Rep Marketing (who provided this guest post for us) to become and influencer or thought leader in your industry. Her third recommendation (and one I personally think every sales rep should be doing naturally) is to continue reading up on the latest trends in sales through blogs and content curation sites. It's another great post from Lori, who should be added to your lists of sales blogs worth reading (remember tip #3!).Weekly sales recap

Now on to this weeks recap.

Monday, January 14, 2024  

We began a great week of blog posts with a look at networking and prospecting as Maegan discusses how to let your networking skills benefit your prospecting efforts. She provides four ways to help turn your network into prospects by: pushing our of your comfort zone, broadening the base of your network, utilizing social media and changing your event attendance tactics. If you aren't a fan of prospecting, which most sales reps are not, but you find yourself at home when working a room during an event, then check out Maegan's post. 

Tuesday, January 15, 2024  

Laney provided our next post, discussing auto-dialers, with our recent implementation of a new solution. Anytime an organization chooses to roll out a new solution or process, user adoption is always a concern. Laney shares the three most common objections employees expressed when we announced our new auto-dialer solution and how we handled these objections.  They include employees who didn't want to be recorded, concerns over the amount of time it would take to set up and voicemail personalization.  

Wednesday, January 16, 2024  

We had a guest post from Christopher R. Snell Jr., Inside Sales Manager at, on Wednesday. Chris provided five tips that will improve the effectiveness of your sales role plays. Using real life examples, senior reps for help and scripts for rookies were three of Chris' recommendations. He also suggests conducting role plays over the phone, not fact-to-face, to offer a more realistic experience. His final tip is to let reps sink or swim on their own. Thanks to Chris for providing us with this insightful post.  

Our second post on Wednesday came from Mike Ricciardelli, who draws on his CRM experience to provide us with five must have views for your sales team within your CRM. Oversight and insight into your accounts is critical for sales reps success, so striving to become self sufficient within your CRM should be a priority. The report views Mike recommends in order to achieve greater visibility and success are: Interested/Nurture Account View, Dream Account Target View, Activity Report, Leed Feedback Report and Untouched Accounts View. Mike provides more detail on each report in his post. 

Thursday, January 17, 2024  

We capped off an awesome week of blog posts with a great one from Business Development Representative Maureen Wall, who offers four guidelines when prospecting into the Local or State Governement space. She has been successfully working in the SLED (State, Local and Education) space for some time and revealed some great insight for those reps who may be targeting government departments. Her four guidelines will save you or your sales team both time and headaches. Maureen recommends mapping out the organization (which can be difficult), knowing the RFP rules, discovering vendor list preferences and learning what positions organizations may be hiring. 

Thanks for reading this weeks recap and we look forward to providing more great content for you next week. 


email strategies, sales success


sales blogs, prospecting perspectives


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