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3 Objections to Expect When Adopting Auto Dialer Software For Your Inside Sales Team


A few minutes ago I was eavesdropping on two BDRs that were recording their voicemails to use with our new auto dialer software. In between their giggling, it was music to my ears to hear them continue to re-record their voicemail messages until they were just right.autodialers, inside sales, 1 15 Laney

At the start of the year, our organization rolled out an auto-dialer software. With the software comes the ability to increase contact and qualification rates for every BDR within our organization. Like anything new that’s being implemented, user adoption was an obvious concern during the process. As to be expected with any new technology, objections from the reps came up, questioning “What’s in it for me?”

If you are considering rolling out a new auto dialer to your organization, below are a few objections you might hear from your inside sales team. Lucky for us, we’ve had a smooth roll out and have already seen great results from our new tool!

It’s taking too much time to set up and is taking too much time to get used to. I just want to make dials. This objection is simply a case of “I’m too scared of change.” Once beginning to use the dialer, your team will see that they are now able to make 150+ dials per day versus 50. Soon after, they will see their opportunity numbers increase drastically. If you reassure them that it will be worth their time in the long run and reiterate the benefits, you’ll see they are pretty receptive.  

I don’t want to be recorded. With the dialer our organization chose to implement, we have the ability to listen to conversations, which helps tremendously for training purposes. Once reps understand the value of the training component, they realize the benefit it provides for not only their personal learning, but also the help it can provide to other reps on the team that may be struggling on certain product knowledge, or even their basic teleprospecting skills.

My voicemails are very unique, I don’t want to use the same one every time through our dialer. With a dialer, you still have the ability to leave specific voicemails. Odds are you are leaving a very similar voicemail every time you call someone. If you are delivering the same voicemail all day every day, your tone and message will clearly slow down throughout the day because, quite frankly, it’s exhausting to repeat yourself that many times with the same message. With auto dialer technology, reps can understand the advantages of having a solid voicemail every time they call someone.

If you are thinking of adopting an auto dialer technology for your inside sales organization, I strongly recommend it! You’ll see a large return on your investment due to your ability to reach out to more prospects, you will benefit from a training standpoint, the quality of your voicemails will improve, and that’s just naming of a few benefits.  Like anything you roll out, there may be some objections but the key to ensuring a smooth roll out is to prepare yourself for them and be ready to handle them as they come your way. 




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