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Sales Prospecting Perspectives

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How To Build The Ultimate Lead Generation Machine


Yesterday we had the privilege of presenting with a few experts in the field of lead generation on how to build the ultimate lead generation machine. Our COO, Pete Gracey, was joined by Jamie Shanks, Scott Miller and Mike Puglia. For those who were unable to attend, you missed some great insights from the above mentioned experts. I have included the link to the recording should there be an interest in viewing the webinar at a later date/time. TimeTrade, Social123, Jamie Shanks Webinar

Some of the highlights from yesterday's webinar: 

  • Scott Miller introduced many of the attendees to Social123, a social lead generation company, and the power of leveraging social intelligence from Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin to fill the top of your funnel.

  • 82% of Social Media Website traffic and Leads come from Twitter- Optify

  • Twitter users are 24% more likely to make online purchases than average interenet users- CNBC

  • Social Media data is generally going to be the most accurate data available.

  • Balance between Macro & Micro marketing imperitave to building a lead generation machine. 

  • Build massive databases to talk to specific buyer personas

  • Micro Marketing=Social Selling at the independent sales professional level.

  • Sales professionals need to use marketing assets to distribute to targeted prospects at the appropriate time in the buying process. 

  • allows sales professionals to track the actions of their potential prospects.

  • You need to Outbound your Inbound leads with a regimented process to maximize ROI.

  • Telequalification reps neet proper tactical outbound messaging that is pain focused. 

  • Automate the email process for your telequalification reps in the outbound process. 

  • With sales, define what a fully qualified lead contains: deep pain, decision maker, willingness to spend, scheduled call. 

  • Close the loop on opportunities passed to sales by answering: Did the call occur, was the information valid and is there a next step in place

Again, here is the link to the recording and you can also download the presentation slides. 



sales blogs, prospecting perspectives




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