The official blog of AG Salesworks, Sales Prospecting Perspectives will give readers an insight to the challenges of managing a targeted outbound Sales Prospecting effort and team.
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I'm a sales guy, always have been and always will be. While my current title is CEO, I still see my job as Chief Sales Guy. Every day I sell my company's brand to potential clients, partners as well as current and future employees.
First a disclaimer, I am clearly biased as it is my company's mission to provide sales professionals with the best quality sales opportunities available. Our sales opportunities make sales people better and more productive, and as a result drive top line revenue for our clients. Sorry for the ad, you can forgive me right? After all I am a sales guy.
I would like to point out just a few of the many reasons I believe it is important to provide your sales team with quality "sales qualified leads".
Two weeks from today, I'll talk about why most companies ignore the lead qualification step in the Marketing & Sales process and why it is costing them big.
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