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Sales Prospecting Perspective Weekly Recap - Week of January 7, 2024

Sales Blog Weekly Recap

We are back from our hiatus and hope everyone enjoyed their time with friends and family over the Holiday's. We had some great blogs this week, which I'll recap for you shortly, but first I wanted to share a post that recieved a lot of interest on my social networks when shared this week. OpenView Ventures asked their Top 25 Influencers of 2012 to send their predictions for 2013 and Mike Weinberg, sales coach and bestselling author, replied by stating "Salespeople: Inbound marketing alone won't save you ass". Inbound marketing has made great strides, with the help of HubSpot of course, and should be a part of any company's marketing strategy. But as Mike points out, “the truth is that inbound marketing is not a replacement for traditional prospecting activities. It’s a supplement to them.” Salespeople have always had a distaste for prospecting, preferring to allow an inside team dedicated to uncovering new business play that role for them. In 2013 though, if salespeople want to be successful, they need to "rediscover their prospecting abilities." In order to be successful, the post offers three key things salespeople must commit themselves to: writing and executing against a personal business plan, developing a finite, strategic list of target accounts, and dedicate blocks of time to personal prospecting activity. “When salespeople discover prospects on their own, it’s likely that they’ll be the first person to the party rather than just another body on the bandwagon. As a result, they’ll stand a better chance of defining a prospect’s criteria for purchase.” 

In It For The Greater Good

The Greater Good, Sales Advice, 1 10 Paul

The beginning of each New Year for me is a time to reflect and set goals to achieve my highest priorities in the coming year.  

As I look back upon 2012, as well as prior years, I have noticed one philosophy that has served our team best.  Creating a company where each and every team member can benefit at a level equal or higher to the level of effort contributed, while enjoying a fulfilling work experience is that philosophy. Not always perfect I will admit, but it sure has stood the test of time.

Inside Sales Manager's: You Can't Always Be Right!

Conflict Resolution, Sales Management, 1 9 Craig
Now that the holidays and New Year are behind us, I have to imagine most of us have begun focusing on making good with our New Year's resolutions. One of my close friends mentioned his focus this year was going to be around better ways of resolving conflict in his life. This probably had to do with the fact that he spent a week home with his family trying to get along with everyone. Inevitably he found that within a few days he was back in the same old groove; arguing with his parents and siblings over the same things they always seemed to disagree on.

5 Common Inside Sales Roadblock's That Can Deter Productivity And Success

Sales Roadblocks, Sales Success, 1 7 Goldman

Everyone has months that are up and down due to holidays, vacations, changes at work, you name it. But there are a few constant hurdle's that pop up making it difficult to hit monthly quotta's, causing frustration and stress in the office. Below I will share some common obstacles or roadblocks that inside sales professionals must be prepared to handle if they are going to be successful within the sales industry. 

Inside Sales: A Friendly Reminder On The Importance Of Listening In Sales

Listening Skills, Sales Reps, 1 4 Fitts

First, Happy New Year to everyone – I hope 2013 is starting well! 

In my last post of 2012 I discussed the importance on the types of questions our teams are asking as inside sales reps when they are having a conversation with a prospect.   So to carry the theme loosely across to my first post of 2013, I wanted to discuss the importance of listening. 

7 Tips For Social Media Optimization

Social Media Optimization, SMO 1 3 Catley

Social Media Optimization (SMO) refers to using social media outlets to increase awareness about your brand/product and increase web traffic. But, SMO is no longer limited to marketing and brand building for organizations, but has grown to encompass many different departments within the organization such as Human Resources, Client/Customer Satisfaction, product development, Business Development and Sales. As these other departments start to realize how to effectively utilize social media channels, SMO is taking a bigger focus within organizations.

Sales Prospecting Perspective Weekly Recap - Week of December 17, 2023

Sales Blog recap

We had another great week of posts for me to recap, which I will get to shortly. First I wanted to share a great post written by Jennifer Wong at Optify , who offers 9 suggestions to keep in mind when trying to compose compelling emails in her post How to Craft Compelling Email Content. I won't reveal all 9, you'll have to read her post for that, but I wanted to share a few that I thought were very valuable. Personalizing your email is going to be very important when you are trying to increase your open and click through rates. Another suggestion I liked was adding a reminder into your emails. Most people don't remember where they left their information, help them remember before they mark your email as spam. You should always include a call to action with your emails and the final suggestion I wanted to share was the need to encourage feedback. That is one of the best ways for marketers to discover if the message is having the desired effect.

Inside Sales: Questions That Lead To Meaningful Answers

Sales Questions, Sales Process, 12 20 Fitts

As I was driving into work I began to think about the upcoming day and what I had on my schedule.  I started to think about the interactions I needed to have and realized that over the course of a day I interact with a wide variety of individuals, clients, team members, managers, my peers, my boss, and even the Mass Pike toll collectors some days.  All of these interactions include having a conversation. 

Campaign Checklist: Your First 2 Weeks of a Teleprospecting Campaign

Teleprospecting Checklist, Outbound Campaigns, 12 18 Ricca

Kicking off a new outbound teleprospecting campaign requires careful preparation and a proactive, yet adaptable, outlook.  Below are some of the intangibles and physical assets you should be mindful of within the first two weeks of a new campaign:

Inside Sales Reps - Are You Losing Prospects Over Their Objections?

Sales Objections, Objection Handling, 12 17 Laney

Last week, a friend of mine sent out a link to Cold Call Me Maybe on Tumblr. If you’re in sales and haven’t seen this clever blog with gif animations yet, I highly recommend it for a good laugh! One of the animations I found particularly funny was specific to the concept of objections and the caption read, “When a prospect has an objection that you don’t really know how to overcome…” which you can see here.  

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