FREE eBook

Gear Up for Success: 8 Steps to Get Sales & Marketing Cranking in Unison

The classic lack of alignment between sales and marketing is threatening the livelihood of many B2B organizations. That’s because today’s buyers are seeking more than solution providers – they’re looking for trusted advisors who understand their challenges and goals and can help them move smoothly down the path to purchase.

Sales and marketing need to sell the way their target audience wants to buy. And achieving complete sales and marketing alignment is the key to connecting with today’s prospects.

Gear Up for Success: 8 Steps to Get Sales & Marketing CGEAR UP FOR SUCCESS: 8 Steps to Get Sales & Marketing Cranking in Unisonranking in Unison, written by Stephanie Tilton, culled insights from blog posts and articles online, and interviewed leading experts for ideas and recommendations you can put into play today. These experts include:  

  • Ardath Albee, author of eMarketing Strategies for the Complex Sale
  • Andrew Briney, Senior Vice President and Group Publisher at TechTarget
  • Brian Halligan, CEO and Founder of HubSpot
  • Jill Konrath, author of SNAP Selling
  • Joe Pulizzi, coauthor of Get Content. Get Customers.
  • David Meerman Scott, author of The New Rules of Marketing & PR

This 27-page eBook is chock-full of insights and practical suggestions to help you bridge the great sales and marketing divide. Download the eBook  today and learn how to excel at:

  1. Identifying your ideal customer
  2. Defining a qualified lead and processes for generating and nurturing them
  3. Developing messaging and executing a more comprehensive yet targeted marketing strategy
  4. Creating content that attracts, engages, and nurtures 
  5. Connecting where prospects spend time
  6. Implementing an inside sales/teleprospecting strategy for lead follow-up and qualification
  7. Handing leads off to sales
  8. Closing the loop, measuring the results, and refining your strategy and tactics

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