Telesprospecting Training Program

The AG Salesworks Teleprospecting Training Program was designed for enterprise customers that are building or have an existing teleprospecting representative team in place.  This program provides benefits to both the teleprospecting reps and their managers, as it provides them with a proven process that will increase their effectiveness by at least 20%.

This training program is a 3 month program that starts with AG implementing and executing its best-in-class targeted outbound teleprospecting engine to not only identify, cultivate, nurture, and transition every sales opportunity the market will bare, but also to set benchmarks for future BDR activity. During this process AG will capture and report all pertinent market intelligence and data points.  Once this part of the program is complete, AG will be in a position to apply its process to produce a best in class teleprospecting team for your organization.

The 3 month project will be broken down into three phases:

Implementation (Week 1):

  • Script development\training\role playing with AG BDR (Conducted by Director of Client Operations – DCO – with Customer assisting)
  • Sales Card developed and delivered to Customer.
  • customization to create appropriate data fields and reports.
  • Delivery of Customer’s inbound marketing leads to AG Salesworks.
  • Generation of additional appropriate contacts as defined by Customer.
  • Custom report requirement meeting between AG DCO and Customer.
  • Custom report design and creation by AG with Customer sign off. 

Discovery & Pipeline Generation (Weeks 2-12): 

  • Pipeline generation via prospecting into Customer’s MQL list.
  • Ongoing data augmentation to be conducted by AG Salesworks
  • Weekly Conference call with AG and Customer team to review performance and progress.
  • Business review with AG and Customer teams to identify successes\issues and provide course correction if needed.
  • Reporting review with AG DCO and Customer team to ensure reporting needs of Customer are being met.

AG Salesworks Teleprospecting University Team Training (Week 12): 

  • 4 day training of Customer’s teleprospecting team on best practices in teleprospecting
  • Results from previous 3 months used as real world examples to support training
  • Proven scripts and sales cards delivered to teleprospecting team
  • Customer teleprospecting team management training focused on metrics and key indicators
  • Customer teleprospecting team bench marks set and delivered


AG Salesworks Teleprospecting University

The AG Teleprospecting University provides a 4 day program for software companies looking to build\evaluate\enhance their lead development teams.  The program is modularized into 4 classes spread over a 4-10 day timeframe depending on class size.  The Modules are as follows.

  • Teleprospecting 101: Introduction to Teleprospecting
    1. What is Teleprospecting
    2. Your Role in the sales process
    3. Introduction to your call plan
    4. Understanding Performance Metrics
    5. What is a fully qualified lead 
  • Teleprospecting 201: Core Skills Development
    1. What to learn about your product\service
    2. Planning your day
    3. Effective Introductions\Building Rapport
    4. Effective use of email
    5. Listening Skills Development
    6. Questioning Skills Development
    7. Real-time quality assessment (knowing when you actually have a lead) 
  • Teleprospecting 301: Closing on the meeting and closing the loop with your sale people
    1. How to close on a qualified appointment
    2. Writing up your lead and delivering it to sales
    3. Combating “No-Shows”
    4. Closing the loop with Sales 
  • Field Testing: Live dials monitored and managed by the AG Team
    1. 1 hour live call session with each rep.
    2. Formal debrief after each session.


The End Result

At the end of the AG Salesworks Training program, teleprospecting team managers will have:

  • A fully trained team and a process to ensure they stay on track
  • A benchmark for their team to be measured against
  • An early jump on passed opportunities for their sales team.

Our customers have also taken advantage of the fact that the AG teleprospecting team is trained on their solution when they needed to augment or scale their team.  Of course our training does not have to stop at the conclusion of this program – refresher training programs are also available.