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Gear Up for Success: 8 Steps to Get Sales & Marketing Cranking in Unison

Free eBook Gear Up for Success: 8 Steps to Get Sales & Marketing Cranking in Unison

Free eBook written by Stephanie Tilton, shares ideas and recommendations you can put into play today

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Sales Prospecting Perspectives Weekly Recap Week of February 21st

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Hi Everyone! 

Welcome to another weekly recap! I found another great blog that I would like to highlight before I start recapping ours from the week. 

Paul Castain wrote another great piece titled: The Many Misunderstandings Of Cold Calling. Everyone has an opinion about cold calling. But here, Paul really takes a step back and allows you to see some great points on some of the key misguided areas of cold calling. So check it out and see what you think! 

Monday February 21st

Are Call Scripts Dead? - This blog posted by Nicole Puddester this week sparked quite the feedback! Here she offers up some great points about using a script not so much as a script, but more of a guideline as to how you would like you conversation to go. 

"There is a way to prepare a valuable ‘guideline’ for your team that translates into an effective business conversation with their prospects. A successful guideline will encourage your rep to NOT sound scripted and have a conversation that will uncover business opportunities." 

Tuesday February 22nd 

Respect Vs. Fear - How Do You Prefer To Be Managed? - inspired by one of his favorite movies, Craig talks about what's better? To be respected or feared when managing your employees. 

"From what I've seen, if you treat your employees with respect, then more often than not they'll return the favor. Most of the folks I polled all agreed that, that approach helps to contribute to their job satisfaction at AG."

Wednesday February 23rd 

3 Tips for Inside Sales Reps: Being Resourceful Will Yield Success - Jill put together a great blog discussing 3 key items to focus on, in order to remain successful in your inside sales efforts. 

"Every time you pick up that phone, consider it a failure if you hang up without a piece of information or direction that will enhance your next step. The successful Inside Reps are the ones that clarify titles with admins, ask when their “contact identified’s” will be back in the office, what their schedules look like and how to get on them."

Thursday February 24th

3 Tips From The Front Lines On How To Get More Sales Leads - Chris Lang reached out to three inside sales reps that are in the "sales" trenches day to day, just what works best for them.

"... I thought it would be good to ask the opinions of the people that are in the line of fire everyday. What do the AG inside sales reps think our readers should do to increase lead volume?..."

Well once again, I hope you enjoyed the blogs this week! We love hearing from you so please send us your thoughts! 


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