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Gear Up for Success: 8 Steps to Get Sales & Marketing Cranking in Unison

Free eBook Gear Up for Success: 8 Steps to Get Sales & Marketing Cranking in Unison

Free eBook written by Stephanie Tilton, shares ideas and recommendations you can put into play today

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Tips On Running Inside Sales Incentive Contests

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Here at AG Salesworks each inside sales team runs their own contest on a monthly basis.  The contests are usually themed around the season or some special event that is occurring.  The general goal behind our monthly contests is to do something fun that either fosters healthy competition or builds team unity (or both). 

I have to be honest, I stink at planning these things.  I usually come up with the contest on the fly and roll it out 6 or 7 days into the month because one of my reps has asked me what we are doing for it.  They are always fun, and my team gets into it, but that is more because they are excitable people, not because I run a good contest.

So, starting next year, I'm outsourcing my contest planning and execution.  No, not to India or the Philippines.  I'm outsourcing it right here within the 4 walls of our office.  I'm letting the inmates run the asylum from here on out so to speak.  I've given the reigns of teleprospecting contest planning over to my team.  Each month next quarter one of my reps has been assigned the responsibility of designing and tracking the monthly contest.  "Insanity" you say...I beg to differ.  Who better to plan and monitor a contest than one of the participants.  Now I will of course have to approve any ideas prior to their implementation, but I'd be willing to bet my AG Shares that what my team comes up with will crush my typical ideas (my contest usually involves bowling as a prize...I love to bowl and everyone knows it. Seems self serving doesn't it?).

Here are just some of the benefits I foresee gaining by making this move.... 

1.  I'm adding more importance to the monthly contest by placing it in the hands of the reps.  They know the job best and (with some light coaching) are better equipped to challenge each other while maintaining attainable contest goals.

2.  Any way you can pass additional responsibility to your hard working team members is a great thing.  They hammer those phones all day long and you should trust them to plan and execute some aspects of your business.  It's a great way to show your appreciation for their efforts and acumen.

3.  It will be more fun (see my opinion of my own ideas above).

4.  It will drive more competition and healthy trash talking.  We don't run a boiler room type atmosphere here, but we do like to talk a little trash.  I believe a rep planned contest will kick that up a notch.

5.  I don't have to do it.  This frees up my time to worry about my clients, my business, training my team, and my bowling.  By far my favorite benefit.

Not sure how you all run your contests, but I'll be sure to post a comment back here in January to let you know how it's going.


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