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3 Factors That Motivate Me In Sales


Sales Prospecting Perspectives is pleased to bring you a post from Samantha Goldman, Business Development Representative with AG Salesworks.

Working as a Business Development Representative fresh out of college, I wasn’t sure what to expect. All I knew is that I wanted to make a good impression, get along with my colleagues, and make some money (as any recent college graduate can attest to). Personally, I think I came in with a slight advantage because I grew up with a father who has been working in sales for almost thirty years and an older sibling.Sales Motivation, Motivating Factors, 11 28 Sam G

This leads me to the first thing that motivates me to be the best BDR I can be: my competitive nature. You definitely have to be outgoing, somewhat bold, and grow a thick skin to be in this position. Every person you speak with is not going to want to be hearing from you, and it’s your job to make the most out of each call. I have been on sports teams and in clubs since kindergarten, so I am used to being up against different skills and opinions. I have also been told that I am a very honest and upfront person; if I want something, I’ll try my best to get to the point quickly, trying to make the best use of everyone’s time. Getting a referral can be golden and lead you to more opportunities, and it helps to have something pushing you to keep asking questions to make sure you have relevant information.

Secondly, making bonuses is a driving factor. Whether we like to admit it or not, everyone would like to be more financially secure in order to live a more comfortable lifestyle. If there is something more I can be doing to get a bonus for the month, you bet I will be trying to get it. When the first of the month rolls around, I look into my pipeline and see what I have coming up from past conversations and promising prospects from new lists. I’ll push a little harder to get appointments set at an earlier date if the prospect is interested and see if there are any
extra events I can try to highlight that will get people to listen. This ties in well with being competitive because being one of the top reps for the month can lead you to a higher paycheck.

And finally the work environment makes me want to work harder. It’s a really valuable thing to be able to talk with coworkers and ask for advice because some people have been doing my job for much longer than I have. Being able to say I have friends who I can go to for many different things and feel comfortable is a great feeling. Some of the tricks I have learned to pass more leads are from my coworkers and I would not have had as much success here if I didn’t have them to thank. We have such a supportive environment where everyone works hard and has a lot of fun while doing so. It is nice to wake up in the morning knowing I’m going to be happy at my job.

It is important to take a minute and think about what motivates you. Being a BDR is a competitive job and you want to make sure you have driving factors helping you towards your goal. It can be monetary or environmental, but you need something to keep reminding you that you can and will do it!

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