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Night Out At The Cold Calling Bar...


It’s 1:30am and the bar is closing soon. Have you found any prospects?

Single guys go to clubs for one reason and one reason only, to meet a girl. There's always the guy that likes to say that he's there to hang out with his buddies, or that he has fun dancing or even that he just wants to listen to some music and hang out. That said, once a girl approaches them their buddies are unwanted distractions, the music is too loud and dancing only happens if it will lead to something else. Come 1:30am, their true intentions come out. They know it’s getting late in the night and most women are already set in what they are doing. So what do they do to find a girl last minute? They start talking to people. No more “throwing out the vibe”. They realize it is time to man up and actually approach women rather than waiting for the women to approach them. 

If your current strategy isn’t working, you may want to think about manning up and approaching prospects cold via teleprospecting. Sure it isn’t the easiest thing to do and it takes a lot of confidence, but if you want to get the girl…eh…sale, you have to put on your big boy pants and start making dials. You’ve put on your best outfit (website) and people are clearly looking. You’ve non-aggressively introduced yourself to groups of girls with your friends (trade show) in hopes they would come back to you. Hell, you’ve even hit the dance floor to show what you’re made of (collateral emails), but no major prospects.

Now it is time to do what can work quickly. Walk up to the person you want to meet, say hello and introduce yourself and see what happens. You’ll know within the first 2 minutes if you have a chance or not. Cold calling is the same thing. The fastest way to find out if you have any chance at doing business with your target audience is to simply call and start talking to them. Often times, you’ll find business that you never even knew you could land (you thought she was out of your league) simply because you reached out and asked. You need a good rap. You need confidence. This isn’t a guarantee that you’ll close business, but at this point it is your best option if you want to bring in business by the end of the year. 


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