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Sales Prospecting Perspectives Weekly Recap - Week of February 28th


Good Afternoon! 

We had a busy week for blogs. There is a great blog that I found last week that I wanted to note before we moved onto the recap. Bob Apollo wrote: 5 Ways You Can Still Lose A Sale After You've Been Selected. Here he offers 5 different reasons why just because you've been selected there is no guarantee that you've won that business until that contract is signed. It's a good way to make sure that you are doing everything you can to ensure the successful close of a deal. 

Monday February 28th

How To Get Through Gatekeepers When Cold Calling... Laney Pilpel offers some great tips on how to get past those tough admins when trying to get to the appropriate contact. 

"Gatekeepers hold their positions at companies because they are very good at their job – a side from overseeing all aspects of general office coordination, they know exactly how to monitor and manage inquiries from sales professionals like us. Although it can be very de-motivating when a gatekeeper won’t direct us to their boss, there is no reason why we can’t find alternative ways to get to these executives."

Tuesday March 1st

Customer Retention Starts With A Happy Employee! Craig Ferrara discusses a key way to ensure happy customers is to have happy employees. 

"While it is obviously important that we make our customer/client a priority, at times we can neglect the people who are responsible for driving customer success and new business to begin with. We need to continually take the time to recognize the folks that keep the engine going. It certainly can be easy to just crack the whip on our employees because we all have difficult objectives to hit, but we have to prepare ourselves for fallout as a result."

Wednesday March 2nd

Your New Inside Sales Hires Should Be Producing Leads In 5 Days... - Pete Gracey discusses why this is important and how to make this happen. 

"We follow three main rules as part of our training process and I felt they would be good to share with all of you.  These three rules provide the fundamental backbone of our training and allow us to get reps up and running (delivering forecast) faster than many organizations. Here they are..."

Thursday March 3rd

Give Your Outside Sales Reps Steroids!!! - OK so Chris Lang doesn't REALLY mean they should take steroids...but what he does mean is that they should have fully qualified leads sent there way in order to further ensure that those leads have the opportunity to close. 

"...feeding your sales reps qualified leads means that they can focus on one thing and one thing only, closing deals. To effectively cold call AND close deals you need to devote about 50% of your day to both prospecting and then working deals. Working on only qualified leads means that the sales reps production has the potential to immediately jump 50%, depending of course on the quality of the leads."

Well that's it for this week! I can't believe we've already finished the first week of March! (Spring will be right around the corner!! -Thank goodness!! Please no more snow!!) Please tell us what you think! Until then, see you next week! 


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